
The Lembit Öpik Show: Fake News Criminalization in Cyprus Threatens Free Speech

Tech Policy Press: DSA Showdown: Unpacking the EU’s Preliminary Findings Against X

Verfassungsblog: Prison for Fake News

Reason: If You Don’t Trust Media Now, Wait Until It’s Government-Funded

Lawfare: In NetChoice Cases, SCOTUS Reaffirms Limits to Government Intervention With Online Speech

The Future of Free Speech Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on NetChoice Cases

Tech Policy Press: Most Comments Deleted From Social Media Platforms in Germany, France, and Sweden Were Legal Speech — Why That Should Raise Concerns for Free Expression Online

Media Laws: Will the EMFA Improve Freedom of Expression, Media Pluralism, and Media Independence in Europe?

TechDirt: European Content Removal Laws Are Scrubbing The Internet Of Completely Legal Content

Schweizer Monat: Big Tech as State Censorship Agent

Slovakia: Cease attacks on journalists and satirists amid growing tensions

Reason: Report: E.U. Censorship Laws Mostly Suppress Legal Speech

Tech Policy Press: Digital Services Act Roundup: April – May 2024

La Presse: Excess of Censored Messages, Limited Freedom of Expression

Tech Policy Press: The Digital Services Act Meets the AI Act

Report: “Staggering Percentage” of Legal Content Removed from Social Platforms in France, Germany and Sweden

The Future of Free Speech Advises Meta to Uphold Freedom of Expression Principles in Moderation Decisions of Pro-Palestinian Content

Human Rights Here: Article 17 of the ECHR and the Run-Down to Lenis v Greece

The Daily Beast: PEN America Is Right to Stay Out of Gaza War Activism

Tech Policy Press: Generative AI Developers Should Commit to Free Speech and Access to Information

Reason: Should Free Speech Pessimists Look to Europe?

Reason: Australia Tries To Censor the World

The Conversation: AI Chatbots Refuse to Produce ‘Controversial’ Output − Why That’s A Free Speech Problem

Tech Policy Press: Digital Services Act Roundup: February – March 2024

NYU First Amendment Watch: Jacob Mchangama on the First Amendment Implications of Generative AI

Naples Daily News: Florida Abandons Free Speech Principles to Combat DEI Excesses

Persuasion: How to Fight Misinformation Without Censorship

WSJ: J.K. Rowling Is Right to Protest Hate-Speech Laws

Statement on Vanderbilt’s Media Access Policies

The Critic: The new Irish hate speech law will do more harm than good

Reason: Free Speech Is Under Attack in the U.S., but It’s on the Ropes Elsewhere

The Future of Free Speech Responds to Arrest of Nashville Scene Reporter on Vanderbilt Campus

Schweizer Monat: Censorship Doesn’t Prevent Hatred

Law & Liberty: Free Speech Beyond the Marketplace

Semafor: Content moderation laws seen as threatening freedom of speech

WGCU Interview: “Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media”

amaBhungane: There is a Global Free Speech Recession and South Africa is not immune

Lawfare: Have Trouble Understanding Section 230? Don’t Worry. So Does the Supreme Court.

Politico Pro: The Content Wars: Analyzing Chatbot Content Policies

TIME: The Future of Censorship Is AI-Generated

Tech Policy Press: Digital Services Act Roundup – July 2023 – January 2024

Unherd: Beware the WEF’s new misinformation panic

The Guardian: Democracy’s Super Bowl: 40 elections that will shape global politics in 2024

NYT: Social Media Is a Mess. Government Meddling Would Only Make It Worse.

Press release: Global free speech restrictions spark concerns in democracies

Foreign Policy: Evidence Is Growing That Free Speech Is Declining

DSA Enforcement Tracker

Daily Beast: Anti-Blasphemy Laws Are Great for Tyrants, but Terrible for Dissidents

Counter Speech Trainings

Persuasion: Free Speech Defenders Must Be Consistent

DSA Obersvatory: The Out-of-court Settlement Mechanism under the DSA – Questions and Doubts

Cato: Is Freedom of Expression Dangerous? No, Study Finds More Expression Helps Us Handle Conflict

Jacob Mchangama Signs The Westminster Declaration

WKRN: Vanderbilt scholars analyze role of AI in hate speech

Petition: Stop Denmark’s New Blasphemy Ban

Reason: Denmark May Ban Burning the Quran

TIME: Denmark and Sweden’s Commitment to Free Speech Is Wilting in the Face of Quran Burnings

Wired: The Internet Speech Case That the Supreme Court Can’t Dodge

Unherd: Sweden and Denmark bow to pressure over Quran book burnings

Foreign Policy: Free Speech Social Media Doesn’t Exist

France 24: Clash of tech titans: Will Meta’s answer to Twitter dethrone Elon Musk’s venture?

Social Media Age Requirements Are Anti-Free Speech

Time: How to Kill Online Free Speech

Tech Policy Press: Regulating Online Platforms Beyond the Marco Civil in Brazil – The Controversial “Fake News Bill”

Opnio Juris: Hate Speech by Proxy – Sanchez v France and the Dwindling Protection of Freedom of Expression

Washington Post Editoral: These universities are pushing back on censorious students. Finally.

The Daily Beast: The First Amendment Is the Greatest Defense for the Powerless and Marginalized

AEI: In Search of Principles to Govern Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Web Censorship

New York Times: What Protects Fox News Also Protects Our Democracy

Wired: It’s Time to Stop Arresting People for Trolling the Government

Jacob Mchangamas Free Speech in Arabic

The Future of Free Speech Launches at Vanderbilt University

Jeff Kosseff is joining The Future of Free Speech

ARTE TV: Social media: a danger to democracy?

Foreign Policy: U.S. Conservatives Are Threatening Global Free Speech

Joan Barata is joining The Future of Free Speech

AFP: Sexting chatbot ban points to looming battle over AI rules

Reason: Privileging Blasphemy Norms Over Open Inquiry Plays Into the Hands of Religious Fundamentalists

The Future of Free Speech Impact

Los Angeles Times: Don’t be too tempted by Europe’s plan to fix social media

TIME: What Elon Musk Gets Wrong About Free Speech

France 24: Musk’s free speech absolutism ‘a fantasy’

BBC: Freedom of Speech – The Reith Lectures – The Four Freedoms

Copenhagen Conference: The Future of Free Speech

Folha de S. Paulo:Entrada do Judiciário no debate político pode ser tiro pela culatra, diz ativista da liberdade de expressão

Czech book launch: The Free Speech Recession and How to End It

The Daily Beast: U.K.’s Crackdown on Anti-Royal Protests Makes U.S. Free Speech Look Good

WBUR: The history of the price of free speech

TIME: In A War of Ideas, Banning Russian Propaganda Does More Harm Than Good

StrasbourgObserver: A joke-telling lawyer: The case of Simic v. Bosnia and Herzegovina

New York Daily News: The larger legacy of Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses’

Taz: Gut gemeinte Zensur

Human Rights Here: Banning Russia Today and Sputnik in Europe is a bad idea

Cato Institute: What We Can Learn from the History of Free Speech

Persuasion: Banning Hate Speech Won’t End Extremist Violence

PBS The Open Mind: March of the Autocracies

Spectator Australia: Don’t mention the swastika

Reuters: From Musk to Brussels – three leading experts on the future of free speech online

Fortune: Elon Musk says he’s ‘exactly aligned’ with Europe’s new rules for online content. But the law may threaten his free speech ideals

NZZ Magazine: Auf Twitter soll bald wieder totale Meinungsfreiheit herrschen. Ist das gut?