

Op-eds, blog posts, presentations, etc. on the future of free speech.

Tech Policy Press: DSA Showdown: Unpacking the EU’s Preliminary Findings Against X

Verfassungsblog: Prison for Fake News

Lawfare: In NetChoice Cases, SCOTUS Reaffirms Limits to Government Intervention With Online Speech

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Media Mentions

Future Free Speech research, results, and recommendations are mentioned in international and regional media.

The Lembit Öpik Show: Fake News Criminalization in Cyprus Threatens Free Speech

Reason: If You Don’t Trust Media Now, Wait Until It’s Government-Funded

TechDirt: European Content Removal Laws Are Scrubbing The Internet Of Completely Legal Content

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The Lembit Öpik Show: Fake News Criminalization in Cyprus Threatens Free Speech

So To Speak: Political violence and speech

Jacob Mchangama on Doha Debates: Should Everything Be Up for Debate?

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