
Podcasts, Videos, and More

The Lembit Öpik Show: Fake News Criminalization in Cyprus Threatens Free Speech

So To Speak: Political violence and speech

Jacob Mchangama on Doha Debates: Should Everything Be Up for Debate?

Jacob Mchangama: Commencement Speech at The Birch Wathen Lenox School

Stanford Publius Symposium with Jacob Mchangama: Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media

Inside Sources: Jacob Mchangama: Changing U.S. Free Speech Regulation is Not What it is Chalked Up to Be

NPR 1A: Parsing The Pro-Palestinian Protests on Campuses Across the Country

Vanderbilt Law Dean’s Lecture Series: Jacob Mchangama Discusses Free Speech and Equality

Public Podcast: Jeff Kosseff: “Hey, Let’s Not Rethink The First Amendment”

Webinar: Launch of French Language Global Case Law Database

Symposium – AI & Digital Regulation: Impact on Human Rights and Freedom of Expression

CEP Online Roundtable: Responding To Blasphemy

So To Speak Podcast: “Liar in a Crowded Theater” with Jeff Kosseff

Reason Podcast: Why False Speech Deserves First Amendment Protections with Jeff Kosseff

The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad: Interview with Jacob Mchangama

Chautauqua Institution: The Free Speech Recession

Roots of Reality Podcast: Global Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Jacob Mchangama & Flemming Rose on threats to Free Speech

Columbia University: Protecting Freedom of Expression through Comparative Global Case Law: Databases to Advance Rights

Seminar on the new rules for political advertising – An impossible balance with freedom of expression?

Webinar on freedom of expression and privacy on social media.

The History of the Future: Jacob on the Miltons Curse

The Platform NZ: Jacob Mchangama on the importance of free speech

American Council of Trustees and Alumni – Jacob Mchangama: “A Global Free Speech Recession”

The British Library: Freedom of the Press – The First Principle of News

Conversations with Coleman: The History of Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

The Human Progress Podcast: Jacob Mchangama: Free Speech from Socrates to Social Media

The Michael Shermer Show: Jacob Mchangama on Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media

Juicy Ecumenism: Free Speech – A History from Socrates to Social Media

Global Digital Foundation: Jacob Mchangama and the History of Hate-Speech Laws

RightsCon: Silencing the silenced? The impact of takedown legislation on civil liberties and victims of human rights abuses

ECIPE Webinar: Are Online Civil Liberties Threatened?

Doha Debates – Course Correction: The Disrupters – Using free speech for good and evi‪l‬

In Lieu of Fun: Jacob Mchangama on Clear and Present Danger

Talk: Hate Speech and Hate Crime

BBC: Has Covid rolled back democratic rights?

KCRW Berlin: Fighting fake news – is it censorship or necessary to preserve democracy?

Uncommon Decency: A Transatlantic Fracture Over Speech? with Frances G. Burwell & Jacob Mchangama

Legal Matters: Dr. Natalie Alkiviadou. Free Speech, Humour, Parody and Satire.

Clear and Present Danger – Free Speech and Racial Justice: Friends or Foes?

Clear and Present Danger: Suzanne Nossel

Clear and Present Danger: Dunja Mijatović

Clear and Present Danger: Monika Bickert

So To Speak: Censorship Pandemic

See all episodes of Clear and Present Danger – A History of Free Speech.