
Preventing “Torrents of Hate” or Stifling Free Expression Online?

Report: Freedom of Expression in Generative AI – A Snapshot of Content Policies

Background report: Empowering Audiences – Against Misinformation Through ‘Prebunking’

The Free Speech Recession Hits Home

Case law on Hate Speech: The Enduring Question of Thresholds

Scope Creep: An Assessment of 8 Social Media Platforms’ Hate Speech Policies

Case Law Collection: Internet shutdowns in international law

Thoughts on the DSA: Challenges, Ideas and the Way Forward through International Human Rights Law

Report: The Wild West? Illegal comments on Facebook

A Framework of First Reference – Decoding a Human Rights Approach to content moderation on social media

Who Cares about Free Speech? – Findings From a Global Survey of Free Speech

Rushing to Judgment: Are Short Mandatory Takedown Limits for Online Hate Speech Compatible with The Freedom of Expression?

The Digital Berlin Wall – How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship – Act two

Analysis: The Digital Berlin Wall: How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship