So To Speak: Political violence and speech

Did overheated political rhetoric lead to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump? On this episode of the So To Speak podcast, host Nico Perrino and his guests explore political violence: its history, its causes, and its relationship with free speech. Flemming Rose is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He previously served […]

Jacob Mchangama on Doha Debates: Should Everything Be Up for Debate?

Debate can help solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. But are there limits to what free speech and debate can accomplish? Social media has allowed more people to connect and share their perspectives than ever before. That has led to an immense amount of learning and progress—but it’s also led to an uptick […]

Stanford Publius Symposium with Jacob Mchangama: Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media

On April 23, 2024, Jacob Mchangama gave the Publius Lecture at Stanford University Law School. Hailed as the “first freedom,” free speech is the bedrock of democracy. But it is a challenging principle, subject to erosion in times of upheaval. Today, in democracies and authoritarian states around the world, it is on the retreat. In […]

Vanderbilt Law Dean’s Lecture Series: Jacob Mchangama Discusses Free Speech and Equality

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Community, in partnership with the Stanton Foundation First Amendment Clinic, hosted the last Dean’s Lecture Series on Race and Discrimination for the year in mid-April. The Lecture, “Free Speech and Equality: Friends or Foes?”, was delivered by Jacob Mchangama, research professor of political science in the College of Arts and Science, CEO of Justitia, […]

Roots of Reality Podcast: Global Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

In this Roots of Reality Experiences episode, historian Ben Baumann talks with free speech expert Jacob Mchangama about the history of free speech globally, the complexities of free speech in the age of the internet, and the threats against free speech today. Listen: Roots of Reality · #123 Global Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama Watch:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Jacob Mchangama & Flemming Rose on threats to Free Speech

This webinar is the first in an exciting new series, The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Dialogues, where Ayaan and her expert guests will discuss how vital the principle of free speech is and how to defend it from the many threats it faces today. This webinar features Ayaan in conversation with the Danish author Jacob Mchangama […]