Jacob Mchangama on Undercurrents: Elon Musk is a Free Speech Hypocrite

Jacob Mchangama joins Emily Jashinsky on UnHerd’s Undercurrents to discuss Elon Musk’s inconsistent record on free speech since acquiring Twitter (now known as X). Mchangama recognizes that Musk has taken notable steps to champion free expression, such as reinstating controversial figures on the platform, vocally criticizing European digital regulations, and resisting censorship attempts by Brazilian […]

Jacob Mchangama on Doha Debates: Should Everything Be Up for Debate?

Debate can help solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. But are there limits to what free speech and debate can accomplish? Social media has allowed more people to connect and share their perspectives than ever before. That has led to an immense amount of learning and progress—but it’s also led to an uptick […]

Roots of Reality Podcast: Global Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

In this Roots of Reality Experiences episode, historian Ben Baumann talks with free speech expert Jacob Mchangama about the history of free speech globally, the complexities of free speech in the age of the internet, and the threats against free speech today. Listen: Roots of Reality · #123 Global Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama Watch:

Webinar on freedom of expression and privacy on social media.

The Future Free Speech are invting you to morning webinar on freedom of expression and privacy on social media. The webinar will take place on Friday, April 21st, from 9:00 to 10:30 am (CEST) online. Please register for online participation Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of freedom of expression and freedom of information […]

Conversations with Coleman: The History of Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

Jacob Mchangama and Coleman Hughes discuss his brilliant new book: Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media. They talk about the Danish cartoon controversy and Charlie Hebdo. They also discuss the so-called “Milton’s curse”; which is the habit of hypocritically defending free speech for some, but not for others. Coleman thinks this point […]

ECIPE Webinar: Are Online Civil Liberties Threatened?

European Centre for International Political Economy Venue: ZOOM Webinar Speakers: Jacob Mchangama Time: May 20, at 3pm (CET). A discussion with Jacob Mchangama about online freedom of speech and regulation. Social media and other platforms are under growing pressure to moderate and take down content – and big platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are increasingly accused of […]

Doha Debates – Course Correction: The Disrupters – Using free speech for good and evi‪l‬

Social media has made it easier than ever to share ideas around the world and galvanize people into action. Host Nelufar Hedayat looks at the double-edged sword of free speech from the perspective of social media influencer, a free speech lawyer and two tech veterans who say that today’s tech companies wield too much power […]

In Lieu of Fun: Jacob Mchangama on Clear and Present Danger

Jacob Mchangama is guesting the webcast In Lieu of Fun in a conversation about the state of free speech and online censorship. About: In Lieu of Fun is a casual, unstructured webcast that has been broadcasting daily since March 25, 2020. We talk about news, law, life, art, squirrels, murder hornets, Baby Cannons, and whatever else […]