So To Speak: Political violence and speech

Did overheated political rhetoric lead to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump? On this episode of the So To Speak podcast, host Nico Perrino and his guests explore political violence: its history, its causes, and its relationship with free speech. Flemming Rose is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He previously served […]

NPR 1A: Parsing The Pro-Palestinian Protests on Campuses Across the Country

Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments have sprung up on college campuses across the country. Hundreds of students and professors have been arrested. Calls for universities to end their ties to Israel and for the U.S. to negotiate a ceasefire are growing. We check in on the protests across the country and what they tell us about how equipped colleges […]

Vanderbilt Law Dean’s Lecture Series: Jacob Mchangama Discusses Free Speech and Equality

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Community, in partnership with the Stanton Foundation First Amendment Clinic, hosted the last Dean’s Lecture Series on Race and Discrimination for the year in mid-April. The Lecture, “Free Speech and Equality: Friends or Foes?”, was delivered by Jacob Mchangama, research professor of political science in the College of Arts and Science, CEO of Justitia, […]

Conversations with Coleman: The History of Free Speech with Jacob Mchangama

Jacob Mchangama and Coleman Hughes discuss his brilliant new book: Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media. They talk about the Danish cartoon controversy and Charlie Hebdo. They also discuss the so-called “Milton’s curse”; which is the habit of hypocritically defending free speech for some, but not for others. Coleman thinks this point […]