RightsCon: Silencing the silenced? The impact of takedown legislation on civil liberties and victims of human rights abuses

Date and Time: June 8, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm Eastern Time Facilitator: Jacob Mchangama Speakers (all three have confirmed): Nighat Dad (Member – Oversight Board and Executive Director – Digital Rights Foundation) Barbora Bukovská (Senior Director of Law and Policy, Article 19) Professor Evelyn Aswad (Professor of Law and Herman G. Kaiser Chair in International […]

ECIPE Webinar: Are Online Civil Liberties Threatened?

European Centre for International Political Economy Venue: ZOOM Webinar Speakers: Jacob Mchangama Time: May 20, at 3pm (CET). A discussion with Jacob Mchangama about online freedom of speech and regulation. Social media and other platforms are under growing pressure to moderate and take down content – and big platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are increasingly accused of […]

In Lieu of Fun: Jacob Mchangama on Clear and Present Danger

Jacob Mchangama is guesting the webcast In Lieu of Fun in a conversation about the state of free speech and online censorship. About: In Lieu of Fun is a casual, unstructured webcast that has been broadcasting daily since March 25, 2020. We talk about news, law, life, art, squirrels, murder hornets, Baby Cannons, and whatever else […]