2024 Counterspeech Trainings

Counterspeech is the practice of responding to speech that seems harmful or offensive. It can take many forms, such as challenging, debunking, or critiquing harmful speech, amplifying alternative viewpoints, providing accurate information, and fostering empathy and understanding. During these training sessions, experts in the field will provide valuable insights into the meaning, role, and use […]

WexFo: Saving Democracy by Limiting Freedom of Expression?

Jacob Mchangama, Director of Justitia, Sasha Havlicek, Founding CEO of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. Moderator: Ingeborg Volan. May 23, 2023 In a time with tangible tensions between nations, it may be tempting to limit freedom of expression in order to stabilize foreign relations. Do we save the democracy by regulations and law limitations or […]