
Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Norway) (2015-2022) Reporters Without Borders, Word Press Freedom Index Columbia University prize for the the most significant ruling  2016 Criminal law New penal code   Preporatory work for Norwegian penal code in force 2015 Innst. 248 L (2014–2015) – and Innst. O. nr. […]

New Zealand

Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (New Zealand) (2015-2022) Disinformation There is little direct regulation of public disinformation outside regulation of broadcast media through Standards imposed under the Broadcasting Act 1989 (, and enforced by the Broadcasting Standards Authority ( The Standards ( impose civil obligations on radio and television […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Japan) (2015-2022) Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior Against Persons Originating from Outside Japan The Act, also known as the ‘Hate Speech Elimination Act’ was promulgated and came into effect in June 2016 as the first national […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Germany) (2015-2022) During the 2016-2022 reporting period, three major developments with potentially speech restricting impact can be observed for Germany: Statutory platform accountability laws (NetzDG and its amendments) The German Parliament passed the NetzDG in 2017. The law took full effect on Jan. 1st […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (France) (2015-2022) Laws on the state of emergency or national security are not mentioned here as they are not directly related to freedom of expression. Nonetheless, their impact the right of association and the right to protest contributes to a shrinking of the civic […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (EU) (2015-2022) Legislation In 2018, the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and […]

England and Wales

Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (England and Wales) (2015-2022) Legislation (Acts and Bills) The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act An Act to make provision in relation to freedom of speech and academic freedom in higher education institutions and in students’ unions; and for connected purposes. Counter-Terrorism and Security […]

Czech Republic

Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Czech Republic) (2015-2022) Legislation Crime of Supporting and Promoting Terrorism, according to Section  312e paragraph 1, 4 letter a) of Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code,[1] introduced into the Criminal Code by Amendment No. 455/2016 Coll., effective as of 1 February 2017, applies to cases […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Canada) (2015-2022) ANTI-RACISM Name Jurisdiction Description Building a Foundation for Change: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy, 2019–2022 (Policy, 2019) Federal Canada’s anti-racism policy adopted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (“IHRA”) definition of antisemitism allowing criticism of Israel to be treated as antisemitism Order in Council 1450/2020 Ontario […]


Download the country report List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Austria) (2015-2022) Country report Austria – Legislation Communication Platforms Act – KoPl-G (Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz) The Communications Platforms Act was part of a bigger legislative initiative against all forms of online hate. The Act is aimed at providing safe and transparent online communication on platforms […]