List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Norway) (2015-2022)
Reporters Without Borders, Word Press Freedom Index
Columbia University prize for the the most significant ruling 2016
- Criminal law
New penal code
Preporatory work for Norwegian penal code in force 2015 Innst. 248 L (2014–2015) – and Innst. O. nr. 73 (2008–2009) –
Section 3-6 a in the civil tort code
Section on privacy in penal code 267 in
Hate speech
- Amendments to The Penal code section 185
The penal code section 185 on hate speech, English text The Penal Code – Part II. Criminal acts – Lovdata.
Preparatory work on changes in section 185 on hate speech Sak –
The report from The freedom of expression commission NOU 2022: 9 (
Comments to the report from the civil society Høring – NOU 2022:9 En åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale –
- Amendments in the penal code section 77 on aggravating circumstances
preparatory work to the amendments on aggravated circumstance Sak –
- Protection of sensitive information
preparatory work on amendments regarding sensitive information Prop. 159 L (2020–2021) – and Innst. 459 L (2020-2021) –
- Amendments to the penalty provision for violations of the representative of a foreign state
- Preparatory work on Section regarding penalty for violations 66 L (2019–2020) ( and Innst. 41 L – 2020–2021
- Civil Rights law
- Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act (freedom of expression and information, etc.)
- Law amending the Data Protection Act; Lov om endringer i personopplysningsloven og offentleglova (ytrings- og informasjonsfrihet mv.) – Lovdata
- Data Protection Act; Lov om behandling av personopplysninger (personopplysningsloven) – Lovdata
- Changes in Data Protection Act and regulations from 1 January 2022; Endringer i lover og forskrifter fra 1. januar 2022 –
- And preparatory works here:
- Preparatory work for changes in the Data Protection Act 158 L (2020–2021) – And Innst. 610 L (2020-2021) –
- Trade Secrets Act
- Trade Secret Act: Lov om vern av forretningshemmeligheter (forretningshemmelighetsloven) – Lovdata
- Governments press release regarding Trade Secret Act: Norges første lov om vern av forretningshemmeligheter trer i kraft 1. januar.
- Media Liability Act
- Media Liabilityr Act: Medieansvarsloven – Lovdata Pro
- Preparatory work on Media Liability Act: 31 L (2019–2020) –
- Postal services act
- Preparatory work on the Postal Services Act: 102 L (2018–2019) –, and Innst. 302 L (2018-2019) –
- Working Environment Act and whiste-blowing
- Whistle-blowing
Working Environment act chapter 2A.
Working Environment Act Section 1-1 c Scope of protection
- Preparatory work on scope of protection under the Working Environment Act 315 L (2018-2019) –
- Other proposed amendments to the law which are not yet enacted or in force
- Surveillance legislation
Surveillance Act Etteretningstjenesteloven
Police Register Act Politiregisterlov,
- Ban on Conversion therapy
- Proposal for Conversion Therapy Act Høring – nytt lovforslag om forbud mot konverteringsterapi –
- Proposed amendments to the Act relating to the right of access to documents held by public authorities and public undertakings (Freedom of Information Act)