List of Relevant Laws Impacting Free Speech (Austria) (2015-2022)
Country report Austria – Legislation
Communication Platforms Act – KoPl-G (Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz)
The Communications Platforms Act was part of a bigger legislative initiative against all forms of online hate. The Act is aimed at providing safe and transparent online communication on platforms by measures such as transparency requirements or the requirement of effective reporting mechanisms for allegedly illegal online content.
Introduction of a new provision against Cyberbullying (§ 107c StGB)
The Austrian Criminal Code was amended in 2016 and now includes a new provision against Cyberbullying, which is considered a crime that can lead to imprisonment or monetary fines.
Implementation of the DSM Directive: Amendment of the Copyright Act (Umsetzung der DSM-Richtlinie: Änderung des UrhG)
The implementation of the DSM Directive in Austria was achieved through amendments to the Austrian Copyright Act. It concerns copyright issues in digital spaces.
The Federal Act on Measures to Combat Online Hate (Bundesgesetz, mit dem Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Hass im Netz getroffen werden (Hass-im-Netz-Bekämpfungs-Gesetz – HiNBG)
The HiNBG was part of a bigger legislative initiative against all forms of online hate. It introduces amendments to Austrian civil law, media law, and criminal law, hence facilitating a safer online environment.
COVID-19 Legislation
The Austrian COVID-19 Legislation aimed at reducing personal contact in order to contain the spread of the virus.