Oct. 12-13, 2023 | Nashville, TN
The Future of Free Speech Project and Vanderbilt University will host an event to explore the dynamic intersection of generative AI, free speech and human rights within the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence advancements.
Sing up for online participation
About the Symposium
The Future of Free Speech Project in conjunction with Vanderbilt University will bring together thought leaders, researchers, activists and industry professionals from around the world to discuss the implications of emerging AI technology for freedom of expression and access to information.
We have designed the conference program to cover a wide range of themes and challenges related to AI governance and its implications. The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions and interactive elements, including the presentation of a cutting-edge beta version of a tool kit to counter hate speech and multimodal AI.
Featured Panelists and Speakers
A distinguished and accomplished lineup of panelists and speakers spanning diverse professions and areas of expertise come together to offer invaluable insights into the intricate interplay of AI, free speech and human rights.
About The Future of Free Speech Project
On April 1, 2023, Justitia’s The Future of Free Speech Project opened a U.S.-based office at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
FFS is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to building a global culture of free speech through knowledge, research and advocacy. The project, led by Jacob Mchangama, has published cutting-edge research and provided influential commentary on the state of global freedom of expression.