Who Cares about Free Speech? – Findings From a Global Survey of Free Speech

For immediate release: A new survey reveals that most people and nations strongly support free speech in principle but have reservations in practice. A global survey “Who Cares about Free Speech?” has been conducted by YouGov for the legal think tank Justitia, which asks citizens in 33 countries questions about their attitude towards free speech […]

Rushing to Judgment: Are Short Mandatory Takedown Limits for Online Hate Speech Compatible with The Freedom of Expression?

Rushing to Judgment: Are Short Mandatory Takedown Limits for Online Hate Speech Compatible with The Freedom of Expression? For the first time in human history, ordinary people have been given the ability to publicly share and access information instantly and globally through social media without the mediation of traditional gatekeepers such as newspaper editors or […]

The Digital Berlin Wall – How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship – Act two

The Digital Berlin Wall – How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship – Act two   The German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) continues to inspire authoritarian and illiberal internet censorship around the world. In under a year, the number of countries copy-pasting the NetzDG matrix to provide cover and legitimacy for digital […]

Analysis: The Digital Berlin Wall: How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship

Global Internet freedom is in decline. Authoritarian states manipulate the Internet to serve their own illiberal ends. But liberal democracies have also limited Internet freedom to counter contemporary scourges such as fake news, hate speech, and terrorist content. Germany´s Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) is the most prominent weapon in the online arsenal of democracies. NetzDG obliges […]