Natalie Alkiviadou

Senior Research Fellow

Natalie Alkiviadou is a Senior Research Fellow at The Future of Free Speech. Her research interests lie in the freedom of expression, the far-right, hate speech, hate crime, and non-discrimination. She holds a PhD (Law) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She has published three monographs, namely ‘The Far-Right in International and European Law’ (Routledge 2019), ‘Legal Challenges to the Far-right: Lessons from England and Wales’ (Routledge 2019) and ‘The Far-Right in Greece and the Law’ (Routledge 2022). She has published on hate speech, free speech, and the far-right in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals, has been reviewer for journals such as the International Journal of Human Rights, The Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights and guest editor for the International Journal of Semiotics and the Law. Natalie has over ten years experience in working with civil society, educators and public servants on human rights education and has participated in European actions such as the High-Level Group on Combatting Racism, Xenophobia and Other Forms of Intolerance. Natalie has been the country researcher for the 2019 European Network against Racism report on Hate Crime and the 2022 report on structural racism. She has drafted handbooks, strategy papers and shadow reports for projects funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, the European Commission and the European Youth Foundation, on themes such as hate speech. Natalie is an international Fellow (2022/23) of the ISLC – Information Society Law Centre of the Università degli Studi di Milano.



Recent Commentary

Verfassungsblog: Prison for Fake News

Human Rights Here: Article 17 of the ECHR and the Run-Down to Lenis v Greece

Opnio Juris: Hate Speech by Proxy – Sanchez v France and the Dwindling Protection of Freedom of Expression

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Book chapter: Counterspeech – Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Countering Dangerous Speech

Article: Speech that Isn’t Mine: Obligations Under the European Court of Human Rights

Case law on Hate Speech: The Enduring Question of Thresholds

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The Lembit Öpik Show: Fake News Criminalization in Cyprus Threatens Free Speech

Webinar: Launch of French Language Global Case Law Database

Columbia University: Protecting Freedom of Expression through Comparative Global Case Law: Databases to Advance Rights

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