In this piece by Raghav Mendiratta he looks into Twitter’s anticipatory Takedown of Tweets in India.

On July 25, Twitter ‘withheld’ or disabled access to two tweets made by activist lawyer Prashant Bhushan. Prashant Bhushan had posted two tweets in the end of June, criticizing the Supreme Court and especially its current Chief Justice. Based on the Tweets, the Supreme Court initiated suo moto contempt proceedings against Bhushan on July 21 and Twitter’s withdrawal comes two days after the first hearing in the case.

Read the full piece at Verfassungsblog. 

Raghav Mendiratta is an Indian lawyer. He is an Affiliate Fellow at the Future of Free Speech Project at Justitia, Denmark and a Legal Researcher for Columbia University’s Global Freedom of Expression Centre.

Case and Policy Officer at Meta‘s Oversight Board 
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Raghav is a Case and Policy Officer at Meta‘s Oversight Board where he is working on making Facebook and Instagram’s legal policies on misinformation, electoral integrity, hate speech, gender, and nudity fairer and more complaint with International human rights.