Roundtable: “Does the ECHR really protect the ‘right to offend, shock or disturb’? A critical assessment of the European Court of Human Right´s hate speech case law” delivered by Mr. Jacob Machangama – 11 March 2021
The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus is pleased to announce a Roundtable entitled “Does the ECHR really protect the ‘right to offend, shock or disturb’? A critical assessment of the European Court of Human Right´s hate speech case law” delivered by Mr. Jacob Machangama – Founder and Executive Director of Justitia. Free speech is a fundamental tenet for any democracy. And the limits of free speech are a vital issue that dominates public discourse in Europe and elsewhere. The Roundtable will critically evaluate how the European Court of Human Rights has treated cases involving hate speech, and how it has attempted to balance the right to free speech, including the right to offend, shock, or disturb, against the potential harms that hate speech can cause. This discussion becomes all the more important given the current European climate where populism is on the rise and democracy and the rule of law are under sustained attacks.
Date and time: 11 March 2021 14:00-16:00
The module is relevant for any advanced students and members of the wider public interested in the current state of the EU, the worldwide threat right-wing populism poses, and in the value of democracy and the rule of law in general.
The Roundtable will be delivered both face to face and online via MS Teams. Subject to COVID-19 related measures in force in the Republic of Cyprus at the time.