Jordi Calvet-Bademunt

Senior Research Fellow

Jordi Calvet-Bademunt is a Senior Research Fellow at The Future of Free Speech and a Visiting Scholar at Vanderbilt University. He is also the Chair of the Programming Committee of the Harvard Alumni for Free Speech and has been a fellow at the Internet Society. At The Future of Free Speech, Jordi focuses on freedom of expression in the digital space in Europe, the United States, and globally. He has published and contributed to reports on speech governance in generative AI and social media and regularly writes on these topics in specialist and generalist media. In his current and previous roles, Jordi has organized and spoken at multiple conferences and events with leading voices from public institutions, civil society, and the private sector in the United States and Europe. Jordi has about a decade of experience as a policy analyst at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and as an associate in leading European law firms. Jordi holds a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts), where he specialized in tech and AI policy. At Harvard, he supported the former chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and three senior Department of Justice officials in organizing a year-long seminar series on tech policy. Jordi also holds a Master of Laws from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and a double degree in Law and Business Administration from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain).


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Report: Freedom of Expression in Generative AI – A Snapshot of Content Policies


Symposium – AI & Digital Regulation: Impact on Human Rights and Freedom of Expression